

by Anna kerr
Created 05 Jan, 2025 | United States
$0 raised of $50,000 goal 0.00%
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  • 17 days left
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MaryGrace had arm surgery to remove a synovial cyst from her left elbow, & the "cyst" was sent away for biopsy, 10 days after her surgery it came back positive for cancer, a synovial sarcoma. After a lot of prayer & research MaryGrace and Jacob felt lead to take the road less traveled when it comes to cancer treatment & pursue a more holistic approach, including diet, juicing, supplements & non toxic treatments such as red light therapy, Inferred sauna, high dose vitamin c iv, hyperbaric oxygen, cryo therapy, castor oil & sodium bicarbonate wraps & much more along the way. While up in MN this past June MG's arm starting to feel tighter & felt like it was getting bigger in size, it was more painful to move the arm, do simple tasks and carry things. There is a lot more swelling, fluid retention and inflammation in the elbow than before. They have done a lot of different therapies with their doctor to help reduce the pain & swelling. MaryGrace had a PET scan on Oct. 3lst & they went over the results with their doctor on Nov. 4th, and there is still cancer in her arm. There is a 7 x 12 x 16cm mass in her left elbow/forearm that has continued to grow since. They also found 2 smaller nodules in her lungs. They can't confirm 100% if they are cancerous or not without a biopsy, but due to the tumor growth in her arm it’s very likely that they are cancerous, and it has spread. They are in the process of trying to get a surgery lined up to do amputation of her left arm as the pain has just become way too much and making it hard to do treatments. As of now they aren’t able to get anything scheduled until the end of Feb/March. With all of the treatments, clinics and other supplements and protocols they are doing, finances have been difficult as insurance does not cover it all and Jacob has not been able to work much as he is taking care of MaryGrace. I know anything will help and be greatly appreciated. They would appreciate prayers for a few things. •That they would be able to be seen sooner and get something scheduled quickly! •For MaryGrace’s pain to be manageable in the meantime. •For MaryGrace to have complete healing from cancer.
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